Welcome Baby

Good morning everyone

A friend from my old job had a baby last week, a gorgeous little girl.  I wanted to make something simple but pretty for her.


This is what I came up with. I just love it.  I used Whisper White and Pink Pirouette. The Pink Pirouette is patterned paper from the Subtles Designer Series Paper Stack. I also put the Whisper White through the Big Shot using the Perfect Polka Dots embossing folder.  The pennants were super easy using the Petite Pennants Builder Punch.  The letters are from Perfect Type Alphabet and I used Basic Grey ink rather than Basic Black just to keep a softer look. The pennants are strung on linen thread and I put a small pearl from the Pearl Basic Jewels at the bottom of each pennant.

The greeting is from a previous Sale-a-bration set caused Sweet Little Sentiments and I punched it out using the Word Window punch.

So that’s it. This was one of those cards that just came together really easily and I love it.

Thanks for dropping by.
